Respiratory functions measurements
Respiratory functions are evaluated with flexiVent, widely regarded as the gold standard for in vivo respiratory mechanics measurements, achieving the highest sensitivity and reproducibility by precisely controlling experimental conditions. flexiVent respiratory measurements are similar to pulmonary function tests (PFT’s), routinely implemented in patients, the first step in the diagnosis of most respiratory diseases.
Drug administration
RU’s DSI Mass Dosing System is being used at BSRC Fleming to expose multiple subjects to an aerosol or gas. However, given the large quantities needed of the drug to be tested, the heterogeneity of inhaled drug per mouse, as well as the drug precipitation in the animal skin, the system is currently used only for the administration of LPS to induce acute lung injury (ALI), where a similar custom made apparatus is more frequently used. To enable reliable inhaled drug delivery, BRFU was very recently equipped with inExpose, allowing for simultaneous individual delivery to six non-anesthetized mice in a soft restrainer.