BSRC Fleming's histopathology lab has more than 12 years of experience to provide state-of-the-art research histology services. Specialized staff offers a full array of services including evaluating the user’s needs in histology and advice on using the most appropriate techniques. Included in the range of services available are cutting (including bone) and staining as well as cryostat sectioning. Assistance can also be provided to mouse biology research scientists in processing tissue samples for routine histochemical and immunostaining procedures.

The services provided include:
- Tissue fixation and paraffin coating/embedding
- Microtome sectioning (serial/step sectioning of fixed wet tissue or whole embryo samples)
- Unstained and/or H&E stained paraffin sections
- All special stain protocols can be performed
- Ability to cut 3-150 Micron paraffin sections
- bone processing including decalcification
Frozen Sections
- Cryostat sectioning
- H&E frozen sections
- Additional special stain protocols
- Additional frozen sections
- Initial unstained frozen sections
Soft organ and tissue Sections (mildly- / non-fixed)
The vibrating blade microtome enables the user to:
- obtain high quality sections that retain viable cells on the section surface
- accurately cut tissue without freezing or embedding
- maintain more live cells, cell morphology as well as enzyme and cell activity within the sections
- obtain sections of 20-100 micrometers 24 well plates
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and/or in situ hybridisation (ISH)
- Whole-mount in situ hybridization/immunohistochemistry of early to mid-gestation mouse embryos
- Section in situ hybridization (mRNA, microRNA), immunohistochemistry, and immunofluorescence
- Unstained sections on slides suitable for IHC
- IHC with commercially available/validated antibodies
- Validation/Optimization of IHC of new investigational antibodies
Contact Information
For further information contact: