Fleming Positions
All BSRC Fleming recruitment calls are advertised below. Please follow the links for more details on each position and contact information.
The Center also accepts students for short-term training or for research projects required for a university bachelor's or post-graduate degree. All candidates must have health insurance, usually covered by their University. For availability and further information please contact directly the research group that best matches your interests.
Expression of Interest / Skretas Lab
- Κωδ. Θέσης: 01_2025_EoI_GSlab_Boost4Bio
- Ημ. Ανάρτησης: 17/1/2025
Junior Group Leaders in “Biomolecular Engineering & Synthetic Biology” & “Protein Misfolding & Aggregation”, Skretas Lab.
Ερευνητής Β' / IBBE
- Κωδ. Θέσης: 202412_ResB_ClinGen&Epig
- Ημ. Ανάρτησης: 10/12/2024
Προκήρυξη θέσης Ερευνητή Β' βαθμίδας με αντικείμενο «Βιοπληροφορική με έμφαση στην κλινική γονιδιωματική και επιγενετική και την ανάπτυξη σχετικών αλγορίθμων και εργαλείων».
Expression of Interest / Tsoumakidou Lab
- Κωδ. Θέσης: 12_2024_EoI_MTlab_ERC
- Ημ. Ανάρτησης: 26/11/2024
ERC-funded positions, Molecular Biologist, Computer Scientist, Tsoumakidou lab.
Expression of Interest / Tsoumakidou Lab
- Κωδ. Θέσης: EoI_MTlab_HopOn_12.24
- Ημ. Ανάρτησης: 26/11/2024
Horizon funded position, Tsoumakidou lab.
Expression of Interest / Politis Lab
- Κωδ. Θέσης: MASSTRUCT1-5
- Ημ. Ανάρτησης: 14/11/2024
The newly established lab of Prof. Argyris Politis is seeking highly motivated individuals for the following positions in the framework of an ERA Chairs project: Junior Group Leader, 2 Post-doctoral Research Associates, Project Manager, Communications Manager.