Vassilis Aidinis Research Group

PubMedGoogle Scholar



Tomos I, Kanellopoulou P, Nastos D, Aidinis V. 2025, "Pharmacological targeting of ECM homeostasis, fibroblast activation, and invasion for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis.", Expert Opin Ther Targets., 2025 Feb 22. [PubMed].


Stylianaki EA, Mouchlis VD, Magkrioti C, Papavasileiou KD, Afantitis A, Matralis AN, Aidinis V. 2024, "Identification of two novel chemical classes of Autotaxin (ATX) inhibitors using Enalos Asclepios KNIME nodes.", Bioorg Med Chem Lett., 2024 May 1; 103:129690 [PubMed].

Tsopela V, Korakidis E, Lagou D, Kalliampakou KI, Milona RS, Kyriakopoulou E, Mpekoulis G, Gemenetzi I, Stylianaki EA, Sideris CD, Sioli A, Kefallinos D, Sideris DC, Aidinis V, Eliopoulos AG, Kambas K, Vassilacopoulou D, Vassilaki N. 2024, "L-Dopa decarboxylase modulates autophagy in hepatocytes and is implicated in dengue virus-caused inhibition of autophagy completion. ", Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res., 2024 Jan; 1871(1):119602. [PubMed].

Kaffe E, Tisi A, Magkrioti C, Aidinis V, Mehal WZ, Flavell RA, Maccarrone M. 2024, "Bioactive signaling lipids as drivers of chronic liver diseases. Bioactive signaling lipids as drivers of chronic liver diseases.", J Hepatol., 2024 Jan: ;80(1):140-154. [PubMed].


Karampitsakos T, Galaris A, Chrysikos S, Papaioannou O, Vamvakaris I, Barbayianni I, Kanellopoulou P, Grammenoudi S, Anagnostopoulos N, Stratakos G, Katsaras M, Sampsonas F, Dimakou K, Manali ED, Papiris S, Tourki B, Juan-Guardela BM, Bakakos P, Bouros D, Herazo-Maya JD, Aidinis V, Tzouvelekis A. 2023, "Expression of PD-1/PD-L1 axis in mediastinal lymph nodes and lung tissue of human and experimental lung fibrosis indicates a potential therapeutic target for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.", Respir Res., 24(1):279. [PubMed].

Nikitopoulou I, Vassiliou AG, Athanasiou N, Jahaj E, Akinosoglou K, Dimopoulou I, Orfanos SE, Dimakopoulou V, Schinas G, Tzouvelekis A, Aidinis V, Kotanidou A. 2023, "Increased Levels of Galectin-3 in Critical COVID-19", Int J Mol Sci., 2023 Oct 31; 24(21):15833. [PubMed].

Gerokonstantis DT, Mantzourani C, Gkikas D, Wu KC, Hoang HN, Triandafillidi I, Barbayianni I, Kanellopoulou P, Kokotos AC, Moutevelis-Minakakis P, Aidinis V, Politis PK, Fairlie DP, Kokotos G. 2023, "N-(2-Aminophenyl)-benzamide Inhibitors of Class I HDAC Enzymes with Antiproliferative and Antifibrotic Activity.", J Med Chem., 2023 Oct 26; 66(20):14357-14376. [PubMed].

Barbayianni I, Kanellopoulou P, Fanidis D, Nastos D, Ntouskou ED, Galaris A, Harokopos V, Hatzis P, Tsitoura E, Homer R, Kaminski N, Antoniou KM, Crestani B, Tzouvelekis A, Aidinis V, . 2023, "SRC and TKS5 mediated podosome formation in fibroblasts promotes extracellular matrix invasion and pulmonary fibrosis", Nat Commun., 2023 Sep 21; 14(1):5882. [PubMed].

Galaris A, Fanidis D, Tsitoura E, Kanellopoulou P, Barbayianni I, Ntatsoulis K, Touloumi K, Gramenoudi S, Karampitsakos T, Tzouvelekis A, Antoniou K, Aidinis V. 2023, "Increased lipocalin-2 expression in pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis.", Front Med., 2023 Sep 7; 10:1195501. [PubMed].

Magkrioti C, Kaffe E, Aidinis V. 2023, "The Role of Autotaxin and LPA Signaling in Embryonic Development, Pathophysiology and Cancer.", Int J Mol Sci., May 5; 24(9):8325. [PubMed].

Fanidis D, Pezoulas VC, Fotiadis DΙ, Aidinis V. 2023, "Αn explainable machine learning-driven proposal of pulmonary fibrosis biomarkers.", Comput Struct Biotechnol J., 2023; 21:2305-2315 [PubMed].

T Karampitsakos, A Galaris, I Barbayianni, G DeIuliis, F Ahangari, F Sampsonas, V Sotiropoulou, Aidinis V, AM Bennett, JD Herazo Maya, N Xylourgidis, P Bakakos, D Bouros, N Kaminski, A Tzouvelekis. 2023, "SH2 Domain-Containing Phosphatase-SHP2 Attenuates Fibrotic Responses through Negative Regulation of Mitochondrial Metabolism in Lung Fibroblasts.", Diagnostics 2023, 13 (6), 1166. [PubMed].

Stylianaki EA, Magkrioti C, Ladopoulou EM, Papavasileiou KD, Lagarias P, Melagraki G, Samiotaki M, Panayotou G, Dedos SG, Afantitis A, Aidinis V, Matralis AN. 2023, ""Hit" to lead optimization and chemoinformatic studies for a new series of Autotaxin inhibitors.", Eur J Med Chem., 2023 Mar 5; 249:115130. [PubMed].

Bhattarai S, Subedi U, Manikandan S, Sharma S, Sharma P, Miller C, Bhuiyan MS, Kidambi S, Aidinis V, Sun H, Miriyala S, Panchatcharam M. 2023, "Endothelial Specific Deletion of Autotaxin Improves Stroke Outcomes.", Cells., 2023 Feb 3; 12(3):511. [PubMed].


Drosouni A, Panagopoulou M, Aidinis V, Chatzaki E. 2022, "Autotaxin in Breast Cancer: Role, Epigenetic Regulation and Clinical Implications.", Cancers., 2022 Nov 4; 14(21):5437 [PubMed].

Nikitopoulou I, Katsifa A, Kanellopoulou P, Jahaj E, Vassiliou AG, Mastora Z, Dimopoulou I, Orfanos SE, Aidinis V, Kotanidou A. 2022, "Autotaxin Has a Negative Role in Systemic Inflammation", Int J Mol Sci., 2022; 23(14):7920 [PubMed].

Kalamatianos T, Drosos E, Magkrioti C, Nikitopoulou I, Koutsarnakis C, Kotanidou A, Paraskevas GP, Aidinis V, Stranjalis G. 2022, "Autotaxin Activity in Chronic Subdural Hematoma: A Prospective Clinical Study", Diagnostics., 2022; 12(8):1865 [PubMed].

Magkrioti C, Antonopoulou G, Fanidis D, Pliaka V, Sakellaropoulos T, Alexopoulos LG, Ullmer C, Aidinis V. 2022, "Lysophosphatidic Acid Is a Proinflammatory Stimulus of Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells", Int J Mol Sci., 2022 Jul 5;, 23(13):7452 [PubMed].

Panagopoulou M, Drosouni A, Fanidis D, Karaglani M, Balgkouranidou I, Xenidis N, Aidinis V., Chatzaki E. 2022, "ENPP2 Promoter Methylation Correlates with Decreased Gene Expression in Breast Cancer: Implementation as a Liquid Biopsy Biomarker", Int J Mol Sci., 2022 Mar 28; , 23(7):3717. [PubMed].

Karshovska E, Mohibullah R, Zhu M, Zahedi F, Thomas D, Magkrioti C, Geissler C, Megens RTA, Bianchini M, Nazari-Jahantigh M, Ferreirós N, Aidinis V., Schober A. 2022, "ENPP2 Increases Atherosclerosis in Female and Male Mice.", Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol., 2022 Jun 16 , [PubMed].

Galaris A, Fanidis D, Stylianaki EA, Harokopos V, Kalantzi AS, Moulos P, Dimas AS, Hatzis P, Aidinis V.. 2022, "Obesity Reshapes the Microbial Population Structure along the Gut-Liver-Lung Axis in Mice", Biomedicines., 2022 Feb 19; 10(2):494 [PubMed].


Tsitoura E, Trachalaki A, Vasarmidi E, Mastrodemou S, Margaritopoulos GA, Kokosi M, Fanidis D, Galaris A, Aidinis V, Renzoni E, Tzanakis N, Wells AU, Antoniou KM. 2021, "Collagen 1a1 Expression by Airway Macrophages Increases In Fibrotic ILDs and Is Associated With FVC Decline and Increased Mortality", Front Immunol., 2021 Nov 17; 12:645548. [PubMed].

Panagopoulou M, Fanidis D, Aidinis V, Chatzaki E. 2021, "ENPP2 Methylation in Health and Cancer", Int J Mol Sci., 2021 Nov 4; 22(21):11958 [PubMed].

Fanidis D, Moulos P, Aidinis V. 2021, "Fibromine is a multi-omics database and mining tool for target discovery in pulmonary fibrosis", Sci Rep., 2021 Nov 5; 11(1):21712 [PubMed].

Ntatsoulis K, Karampitsakos T, Tsitoura E, Stylianaki EA, Matralis AN, Tzouvelekis A, Antoniou K, Aidinis V. 2021, "Commonalities Between ARDS, Pulmonary Fibrosis and COVID-19: The Potential of Autotaxin as a Therapeutic Target.", Front Immunol., 2021 Oct 4; 12:687397 [PubMed].

Nikitopoulou I, Fanidis D, Ntatsoulis K, Moulos P, Mpekoulis G, Evangelidou M, Vassiliou AG, Dimakopoulou V, Jahaj E, Tsipilis S, Orfanos SE, Dimopoulou I, Angelakis E, Akinosoglou K, Vassilaki N, Tzouvelekis A, Kotanidou A, Aidinis V. 2021, "Increased Autotaxin Levels in Severe COVID-19, Correlating with IL-6 Levels, Endothelial Dysfunction Biomarkers, and Impaired Functions of Dendritic Cells.", Int J Mol Sci., 2021 Sep 16; 22(18):10006. [PubMed].

Oikonomou N, Schuijs MJ, Chatzigiagkos A, Androulidaki A, Aidinis V, Hammad H, Lambrecht BN, Pasparakis M. 2021, "Airway epithelial cell necroptosis contributes to asthma exacerbation in a mouse model of house dust mite-induced allergic inflammation.", Mucosal Immunol., 2021 Sep; 14(5):1160-1171 [PubMed].

Mpekoulis G, Frakolaki E, Taka S, Ioannidis A, Vassiliou AG, Kalliampakou KI, Patas K, Karakasiliotis I, Aidinis V, Chatzipanagiotou S, Angelakis E, Vassilacopoulou D, Vassilaki N. 2021, "Alteration of L-Dopa decarboxylase expression in SARS-CoV-2 infection and its association with the interferon-inducible ACE2 isoform.", PLoS One., 2021 Jun 29; 16(6):e0253458. [PubMed].

Filippou P, Zarza X, Antoniou C, Obata T, Villarroel CA, Ganopoulos I, Harokopos V, Gohari G, Aidinis V, Madesis P, Christou A, Fernie AR, Tiburcio AF, Fotopoulos V. 2021, "Systems biology reveals key tissue-specific metabolic and transcriptional signatures involved in the response of Medicago truncatula plant genotypes to salt stress.", Comput Struct Biotechnol J., 2021 Apr 8; 19:2133-2147 [PubMed].

Nikitopoulou I, Ninou I, Manitsopoulos N, Dimopoulou I, Orfanos SE, Aidinis V, Kotanidou A. 2021, "A role for bronchial epithelial autotaxin in ventilator-induced lung injury.", Intensive Care Med Exp., 2021 Mar 29; 9(1):12 [PubMed].

Ray R, Sinha S, Aidinis V, Rai V. 2021, "Atx regulates skeletal muscle regeneration via LPAR1 and promotes hypertrophy", Cell Rep., 2021 Mar 2; 34(9):108809. [PubMed].

Mouchlis VD, Afantitis A, Serra A, Fratello M, Papadiamantis AG, Aidinis V, Lynch I, Greco D, Melagraki G. 2021, "Advances in de Novo Drug Design: From Conventional to Machine Learning Methods", Int J Mol Sci, 2021 Feb 7; 22(4):1676. [PubMed].

Antoniou KM, Tsitoura E, Vasarmidi E, Symvoulakis EK, Aidinis V, Tzilas V, Tzouvelekis A, Bouros D. 2021, "Precision medicine in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis therapy: From translational research to patient-centered care.", Curr Opin Pharmacol., 2021 Feb 5; 57:71-80 [PubMed].

Zannikou M, Barbayianni I, Fanidis D, Grigorakaki T, Vlachopoulou E, Konstantopoulos D, Fousteri M, Nikitopoulou I, Kotanidou A, Kaffe E, Aidinis V. 2020, "MAP3K8 Regulates Cox-2-Mediated Prostaglandin E 2 Production in the Lung and Suppresses Pulmonary Inflammation and Fibrosis.", J Immunol, 2021 Feb 1; 206(3):607-620. [PubMed].


Magkrioti C, Kaffe E, Stylianaki EA, Sidahmet C, Melagraki G, Afantitis A, Matralis AN, Aidinis V. 2020, "Structure-Based Discovery of Novel Chemical Classes of Autotaxin Inhibitors.", Int J Mol Sci., 2020 Sep 23; 21(19):7002. [PubMed].

Roulis M, Kaklamanos A, Schernthanner M, Bielecki P, Zhao J, Kaffe E, Frommelt LS, Qu R, Knapp MS, Henriques A, Chalkidi N, Koliaraki V, Jiao J, Brewer JR, Bacher M, Blackburn HN, Zhao X, Breyer RM, Aidinis V, Jain D, Su B, Herschman HR, Kluger Y, Kollias G, Flavell RA. 2020, "Paracrine orchestration of intestinal tumorigenesis by a mesenchymal niche", Nature, 580(7804) :524-529 [PubMed].

Ninou I, Sevastou I, Magkrioti C, Kaffe E, Stamatakis G, Thivaios S, Panayotou G, Aoki J, Kollias G, Aidinis V. 2020, "Genetic deletion of Autotaxin from CD11b+ cells decreases the severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.", PLoS One, 15(4) :e0226050 [PubMed].

Sevastou I, Ninou I, and Aidinis V. 2020, "ATX expression from GFAP+ cells is essential for embryonic development", bioRxiv, , Jan 17, 2020. doi: 10.1101/2020.01.17.910141 [bioRxiv].

Gerokonstantis DT, Nikolaou A, Magkrioti C, Afantitis A, Aidinis V, Kokotos G, Moutevelis-Minakakis P. 2020, "Synthesis of novel 2-pyrrolidinone and pyrrolidine derivatives and study of their inhibitory activity against autotaxin enzyme", Bioorg Med Chem. , Jan 15; 28(2):115216. [PubMed].


Nikitopoulou I, Manitsopoulos N, Kotanidou A, Tian X, Petrovic A, Magkou C, Ninou I, Aidinis V, Schermuly RT, Kosanovic D, Orfanos SE. 2019, "Orotracheal treprostinil administration attenuates bleomycin induced lung injury, vascular remodeling, and fibrosis in mice", Pulm Circ. , 2019 Nov 15; 9(4):204589401988195 [PubMed].

Kaffe E, Magkrioti C, Aidinis V. 2019, "Deregulated Lysophosphatidic Acid Metabolism and Signalling in Liver Cancer", Cancers, 2019 Oct 23; 11(11). pii: E1626 [PubMed].

Tzouvelekis A, Eickelberg O, Kaminski N, Bouros D, Aidinis V. 2019, "Pulmonary Fibrosis", Frontiers Media SA. [Google Books].

Xylourgidis N, Min K, Ahangari F, Yu G, Herazo-Maya JD, Karampitsakos T, Aidinis V, Binzenhöfer L, Bennett AM, Kaminski N, Tzouvelekis A. 2019, "Role of Mitogen activated-kinase (MAPK)-phosphatase (MKP)-5 in pulmonary fibrosis", Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2019 Sep 4 [PubMed].

Magkrioti C, Galaris A, Kanellopoulou P, Stylianaki EA, Kaffe E, Aidinis V. 2019, "Autotaxin and chronic inflammatory diseases", J Autoimmun., 2019 Aug 27: 102327 [PubMed].

Spella M, Lilis I, Pepe MA, Chen Y, Armaka M, Lamort AS, Zazara DE, Roumelioti F, Vreka M, Kanellakis NI, Wagner DE, Giannou AD, Armenis V, Arendt KA, Klotz LV, Toumpanakis D, Karavana V, Zakynthinos SG, Giopanou I, Marazioti A, Aidinis V, Sotillo R, Stathopoulos GT. 2019, "Club cells form lung adenocarcinomas and maintain the alveoli of adult mice", Elife., 2019 May 29. ;8 [PubMed].

Matralis AN, Afantitis A, Aidinis V. 2019, "Development and therapeutic potential of autotaxin small molecule inhibitors: From bench to advanced clinical trials", Med Res Rev., 2019 May; 39(3):976-1013 [PubMed].

Tzilas V, Bouros E, Barbayianni I, Karampitsakos T, Kourtidou S, Ntassiou M, Ninou I, Aidinis V, Bouros D, Tzouvelekis A. 2019, "Vitamin D prevents experimental lung fibrosis and predicts survival in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis", Pulm Pharmacol Ther, 2019 Apr; 55:17-24. [PubMed].


Ninou I, Kaffe E, Müller S, Budd DC, Stevenson CS, Ullmer C, Aidinis V. 2018, "Pharmacologic targeting of the ATX/LPA axis attenuates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis", Pulm Pharmacol Ther, 2018 Oct; 52:32-40 [PubMed].

D'Souza K, Nzirorera C, Cowie AM, Varghese GP, Trivedi P, Eichmann TO, Biswas D, Touaibia M, Morris AJ, Aidinis V, Kane DA, Pulinilkunnil T, Kienesberger PC. 2018, "Autotaxin-LPA signaling contributes to obesity-induced insulin resistance in muscle and impairs mitochondrial metabolism", J Lipid Res, 2018 Oct; 59(10):1805-1817 [PubMed].

Barbayianni I, Ninou I, Tzouvelekis A, Aidinis V. 2018, "Bleomycin Revisited: A Direct Comparison of the Intratracheal Micro-Spraying and the Oropharyngeal Aspiration Routes of Bleomycin Administration in Mice", Front Med, 2018 Sep 24; 5:269 [PubMed].

Ninou I, Magkrioti C, Aidinis V. 2018, "Autotaxin in Pathophysiology and Pulmonary Fibrosis", Front Med, 2018 Jun 13; 5:180 [PubMed].

Tzouvelekis A, Toonkel R, Karampitsakos T, Medapalli K, Ninou I, Aidinis V, Bouros D, Glassberg MK. 2018, "Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis", Front Med, 2018 May 15; 5:142 [PubMed].

Magkrioti C, Oikonomou N, Kaffe E, Mouratis MA, Xylourgidis N, Barbayianni I, Megadoukas P, Harokopos V, Valavanis C, Chun J, Kosma A, Stathopoulos GT, Bouros E, Bouros D, Syrigos KN, Aidinis V. 2018, "The autotaxin - lysophosphatidic acid axis promotes lung carcinogenesis", Cancer Res. , 2018 May 3. pii: canres.3797.2017. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-3797. [Epub ahead of print] [PubMed].

Nikolaou A, Ninou I, Kokotou MG, Kaffe E, Afantitis A, Aidinis V, Kokotos G. 2018, "Hydroxamic Acids Constitute a Novel Class of Autotaxin Inhibitors that Exhibit in Vivo Efficacy in a Pulmonary Fibrosis Model.", J Med Chem, 2018 Apr 18 [PubMed].

Papaioannou O, Karampitsakos T, Barbayianni I, Chrysikos S, Xylourgidis N, Tzilas V, Bouros D, Aidinis V, Tzouvelekis A. 2018, "Metabolic Disorders in Chronic Lung Diseases.", Front Med , 2018 Jan 18; 4:246 [PubMed].


Tashiro J, Rubio GA, Limper AH, Williams K, Elliot SJ, Ninou I, Aidinis V, Tzouvelekis A, Glassberg MK. 2017, "Exploring Animal Models That Resemble Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.", Front Med, 2017 Jul 28; 4:118 [PubMed].

Tzouvelekis A, Bouros D, Aidinis V. 2017, "Biomarkers in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A RAGE-ing Bull in the Arena", Ann Am Thorac Soc., 2017 May; 14(5):613-614 [PubMed].

Karampitsakos T, Tzilas V, Tringidou R, Steiropoulos P, Aidinis V, Papiris SA, Bouros D, Tzouvelekis A. 2017, "Lung cancer in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis", Pulm Pharmacol Ther., 2017 Apr 1 [PubMed].

Kaffe E, Katsifa A, Xylourgidis N, Ninou I, Zannikou M, Harokopos V, Foka P, Dimitriadis A, Evangelou K, Moulas AN, Georgopoulou U, Gorgoulis VG, Dalekos GN, Aidinis V. 2017, "Hepatocyte Autotaxin expression promotes liver fibrosis and cancer", Hepatology, 2017 Apr;65(4):1369-1383. [PubMed].

Tomos IP, Tzouvelekis A, Aidinis V, Manali ED, Bouros E, Bouros D, Papiris SA. 2017, "Extracellular matrix remodeling in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It is the 'bed' that counts and not 'the sleepers’", Expert Rev Respir Med, 2017 Mar 8 :1-11. [PubMed].

Tzouvelekis A, Yu G, Lacks Lino Cardenas C, Herazo-Maya JD, Wang R, Woolard T, Zhang Y, Sakamoto K, Lee H, Yi JS, DeIuliis G, Xylourgidis N, Ahangari F, Lee PJ, Aidinis V, Herzog EL, Homer R, Bennett AM, Kaminski N. 2017, "SH2 Domain-containing Phosphatase-SHP-2 is a Novel Anti-fibrotic Regulator in Pulmonary Fibrosis", Am J Respir Crit Care Med., 2017 Feb 15; 195(4):500-514. [PubMed].

Anas AA, Claushuis TA, Mohan RA, Christoffels VM, Aidinis V, Florquin S, Van't Veer C, Hou B, de Vos AF, van der Poll T. 2017, "Epithelial Myeloid-differentiation Factor 88 is Dispensable During Klebsiella Pneumonia", Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol., 2017 Feb 10. [PubMed].

Tzouvelekis A, Tzilas V, Papiris S, Aidinis V, Bouros D. 2017, "Diagnostic and prognostic challenges in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis A patient "Q and A" approach", Pulm Pharmacol Ther., 2017 Feb; 42:21-24. [PubMed].


Vrontaki E, Melagraki G, Kaffe E, Mavromoustakos T, Kokotos G, Aidinis V, Afantitis A. 2016, "Computer Aided Drug Design Approaches for Identification of Novel Autotaxin (ATX) Inhibitors.", Curr Med Chem., 2016;23(17) :1708-24 [PubMed].

Filippou P, Antoniou C, Obata T, Van Der Kelen K, Harokopos V, Kanetis L, Aidinis V, Van Breusegem F, Fernie AR, Fotopoulos V. 2016, "Kresoxim-methyl primes Medicago truncatula plants against abiotic stress factors via altered reactive oxygen and nitrogen species signalling leading to downstream transcriptional and metabolic readjustment", J Exp Bot., 2016 Mar; 67(5):1259-74. [PubMed].


Katsifa A, Kaffe E, Nikolaidou-Katsaridou N, Economides AN, Newbigging S, McKerlie C, Aidinis V. 2015, "The Bulk of Autotaxin Activity Is Dispensable for Adult Mouse Life", PLoS One., 2015 Nov 16; 10(11). [PubMed].

Mouratis MA, Magkrioti C, Oikonomou N, Katsifa A, Prestwich GD, Kaffe E, Aidinis V. 2015, "Autotaxin and Endotoxin-Induced Acute Lung Injury", PLoS One. , 2015 Jul 21; 10(7):e0133619 [PubMed].

Giannou AD, Marazioti A, Spella M, Kanellakis NI, Apostolopoulou H, Psallidas I, Prijovich ZM, Vreka M, Zazara DE, Lilis I, Papaleonidopoulos V, Kairi CA, Patmanidi AL, Giopanou I, Spiropoulou N, Harokopos V, Aidinis V, Spyratos D, Teliousi S, Papadaki H, Taraviras S, Snyder LA, Eickelberg O, Kardamakis D, Iwakura Y, Feyerabend TB, Rodewald HR, Kalomenidis I, Blackwell TS, Agalioti T, Stathopoulos GT. 2015, "Mast cells mediate malignant pleural effusion formation.", J Clin Invest. , 2015 Apr 27. pii: 79840. doi: 10.1172/JCI79840. [Epub ahead of print] [PubMed].

Greenman R, Gorelik A, Sapir T, Baumgart J, Zamor V, Segal-Salto M, Levin-Zaidman S, Aidinis V, Aoki J, Nitsch R, Vogt J, Reiner O. 2015, "Non-cell autonomous and non-catalytic activities of ATX in the developing brain", Front Neurosci., 2015 Mar 4; 9:53 [PubMed].

Barbayianni E, Kaffe E, Aidinis V , Kokotos G. 2015, "Autotaxin, a secreted lysophospholipase D, as a promising therapeutic target in chronic inflammation and cancer", Prog Lipid Res., 2015 Feb 20. pii: S0163-7827(15)00011-9. doi: 10.1016/j.plipres.2015.02.001. [Epub ahead of print] [PubMed].


Roulis M, Nikolaou C, Kotsaki E, Kaffe E, Karagianni N, Koliaraki V, Salpea K, Ragoussis J, Aidinis V, Martini E, Becker C, Herschman HR, Vetrano S, Danese S, Kollias G. 2014, "Intestinal myofibroblast-specific Tpl2-Cox-2-PGE2 pathway links innate sensing to epithelial homeostasis", Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. , 2014 Oct 28; 111(43):E4658-67. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1415762111. Epub 2014 Oct 14. [PubMed].

Nikolaidis C, Bouros E, Tzouvelekis A, Drakopanagiotakis F, Ntolios P, Kaltsas K, Boglou P, Anevlavis S, Steiropoulos P, Lambropoulou M, Mikroulis D, Kolios G, Aidinis V, Bouros D. 2014, "A biobank for Interstitial Lung Diseases according to the European Network EurIPF and ΒΒΜRI", Pneumon, vol 27(3) 209-213. [PDF].


Magkrioti C, Aidinis V. 2013, "Autotaxin and lysophosphatidic acid signalling in lung pathophysiology.", World J Respirol. , 2013 November 28; 3(3): 77-103. [PDF]

Park GY, Lee YG, Berdyshev E, Nyenhuis S, Du J, Fu P, Gorshkova IA, Li Y, Chung S, Karpurapu M, Deng J, Ranjan R, Xiao L, Jaffe HA, Corbridge SJ, Kelly EA, Jarjour NN, Chun J, Prestwich GD, Kaffe E, Ninou I, Aidinis V ,Morris AJ, Smyth SS, Ackerman SJ, Natarajan V, Christman JW. 2013, "Autotaxin production of Lysophosphatidic Acid Mediates Allergic Asthmatic Inflammation.", Am J Respir Crit Care Med. , 2013 Sep 19. [Epub ahead of print] [PubMed]

Vassiliou AG, Maniatis NA, Orfanos SE, Mastora Z, Jahaj E, Paparountas T, Armaganidis A, Roussos C, Aidinis V ,Kotanidou A. 2013, "Induced expression and functional effects of Aquaporin-1 in human leukocytes in sepsis.", Crit Care. , 2013 Sep 12; 17(5):R199. [PubMed]

Nikitopoulou I, Kaffe E, Sevastou I, Sirioti I, Samiotaki M, Madan D, Prestwich GD, Aidinis V. 2013, "A metabolically-stabilized phosphonate analog of lysophosphatidic Acid attenuates collagen-induced arthritis.", PLoS One. , 2013 Jul 29; 8(7) [PubMed], [PDF].


Sevastou I, Kaffe E, Mouratis MA, Aidinis V. 2013, "Lysoglycerophospholipids in chronic inflammatory disorders: The PLA(2)/LPC and ATX/LPA axes.", Biochim Biophys Acta. , 2013 Jan;1831(1):42-60. Epub 2012 Jul 31 [PubMed].

Paparountas T, Nikolaidou-Katsaridou N, Rustici G, Aidinis V. 2012, "Data Mining and Meta-Analysis on DNA Microarray Data.", IJSBBT, 1(3): 1-39 [Article].

Oikonomou N, Mouratis MA, Tzouvelekis A, Kaffe E, Valavanis C, Vilaras G, Karameris A, Prestwich GD, Bouros D, Aidinis V. 2012, "Pulmonary Autotaxin Expression Contributes to the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Fibrosis.", Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, 2012 Nov;47(5):566-74. Epub 2012 Jun 28 [PubMed].

Chandras C, Zouberakis M, Salimova E, Smedley D, Rosenthal N, Aidinis V. 2012, "CreZOO--the European virtual repository of Cre and other targeted conditional driver strains.", Database (Oxford), 2012 Jun 21; 2012:bas029. Print 2012. [PubMed].

Nikitopoulou I, Oikonomou N, Karouzakis E, Sevastou I, Nikolaidou-Katsaridou N, Zhao Z, Mersinias V, Armaka M, Xu Y, Masu M, Mills GB, Gay S, Kollias G, Aidinis V. 2012, "Autotaxin expression from synovial fibroblasts is essential for the pathogenesis of modeled arthritis.", J Exp Med., 2012 May 7; 209(5):925-33. Epub 2012 Apr 9. [PubMed].


Mouratis MA, Aidinis V. 2011, "Modeling pulmonary fibrosis with bleomycin.", Curr Opin Pulm Med., 2011 Sep; 17(5):355-61. [PubMed].


Schofield PN, Eppig J, Huala E, de Angelis MH, Harvey M, Davidson D, Weaver T, Brown S, Smedley D, Rosenthal N, Schughart K, Aidinis V, Tocchini-Valentini G, Hancock JM. 2010, "Research funding. Sustaining the data and bioresource commons.", Science. , 2010 Oct 29; 330(6004):592-3. [PubMed].

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