- Agency:
- Duration:
- (2022 – 2024)
- Title:
- Multi-omics assessment of Honeybee health and behaviour under threatening environments (YGIAMEL)
- Budget:
- 110 400 Euros

- Agency:
- Fondation Santé
- Duration:
- (January 2021- December 2022)
- Title:
- Acethylcholine agonist pesticides and memory
- Budget:
- 50 000 Euros

- Agency:
- Ministry of Rural Development and Food (program to improve the production and marketing of beekeeping)
- Duration:
- (January 2021- August 2022)
- Title:
- A holistic methodology to evaluate the spread of honeybee diseases during hive migration.
- Budget:
- 15 670 Euros

- Agency:
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, H2020
- Duration:
- May 2018- December 2020
- Title:
- Ecological influence in Epigenetic-mediated Learning and Memory formation in Honeybee
- Budget:
- 153 000 Euros

- Agency:
- General Secretariat of Research and Technology, ΓΓΕΤ ‘ΕΜΒΛΗΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΔΡΑΣΗ ‘ΟΙ ΔΡΟΜΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΜΕΛΙΣΣΑΣ’
- Duration:
- June 2020 – June 2021
- Title:
- Evaluation of Honeybee detoxification capacity from veterinary medicines
- Budget:
- 22 000 Euros
Are you looking for a collaboration? Don’t hesitate to contact us!