Vasileios Ntafis Research Group

Ntafis V., (2025). A communication pipeline for in vivo imaging core facilities. Laboratory Animals Ltd,

Abelson K., Chambers, C., De La Cueva T., Fisher G., Hawkins P., Ntafis V., Pohlig P., Rooymans P., Santos A., (2023). Harmonisation of education, training and continuing professional development for laboratory animal caretakers, technicians and technologists: Report of the FELASA-EFAT Working Group. Laboratory Animals Ltd,

Ehlich H., Cater H.L., Flenniken A.M., Goncalves Da Cruz I., Mura A.M., Ntafis V., Raess M., Selloum M., Stoeger C., Suchanova S., Vuolteenaho R., Brown S.D.M., Herault Y., Hinttala R., Hrabe de Angelis M., Kollias G., Kontoyiannis D.L., Malissen B., McKerlie C., Sedlacek R., Wells S.E., Zarubica A., Rozman J., Sorg T., (2022). INFRAFRONTIER quality principles in systemic phenotyping. Mammalian Genome, .

Gargani S., Lourou N., Arapatzi C., Tzanos D., Saridaki M., Dushku E., Chatzimike M., Sidiropoulos N.D., Andreadou M., Ntafis V., Hatzis P., Kostourou V., Kontoyiannis D.L., (2022). Inactivation of AUF1 in Myeloid Cells Protects From Allergic Airway and Tumor Infiltration and Impairs the Adenosine-Induced Polarization of Pro-Angiogenic Macrophages. Frontiers in Immunology, .

Kerdidani D., Aerakis E., Verrou K.M., Angelidis I., Douka K., Maniou M.A., Stamoulis P., Goudevenou K., Prados A., Tzaferis C., Ntafis V., Vamvakaris I., Kaniaris E., Vachlas K., Sepsas E., Koutsopoulos A., Potaris K, Tsoumakidou M., (2022). Lung tumor MHCII immunity depends on in situ antigen presentation by fibroblasts. Journal of Experimental Medicine,

Subramanian P., Gargani S., Palladini A., Chatzimike M., Grzybek M., Peitzsch M., Papanastasiou A.D., Pyrina I., Ntafis V., Gercken B., Lesche M., Petzold A., Sinha A., Nati M., Thangapandi V.R., Kourtzelis I., Andreadou M., Witt A., Dahl A., Burkhardt R., Haase R., Domingues A.M.J., Henry I., Zamboni N., Mirtschink P., Chung K.J., Hampe J., Coskun Ü., Kontoyiannis D.L., Chavakis T., (2021). The RNA binding protein HuR is a gatekeeper of liver homeostasis. Hepatology,

Gagliano T., Shah K., Gargani S., Lao L., Alsaleem M., Chen J., Ntafis V., Huang P., Ditsiou A., Vella V., Yadav K., Bienkowska K., Bresciani G., Kang K., Li L., Carter P., Benstead-Hume G., O'Hanlon T., Dean M., Pearl F.M., Lee S.C., Rakha E.A., Green A.R., Kontoyiannis D.L., Song E., Stebbing J., Giamas G., (2020). PIK3Cδ expression by fibroblasts promotes triple-negative breast cancer progression. Journal of Clinical Investigation,

Mataragka A., Leousi E., Liandris E., Ntafis V., Leontides L., Aggelidou E., Bossis I., Triantaphyllopoulos K., Theodoropoulou I., Ikonomopoulos J., (2017). Faecal shedding of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis reduces before parturition in sheep? Small Ruminant Research, 147: 32-36.

D’Agostino M., Robles S., Hansen F., Ntafis V., Ikonomopoulos J., Kokkinos P., Alvarez-Ordonez A., Jordan K., Delibato E., Kukier E., Sieradzki Z., Kwiatek K., Milanov D., Petrović T., Rodriguez Lazaro D., Jackson E.E., Forsythe S.J., O'Brien L., Cook N., (2016). Validation of a Loop-Mediated Amplification / ISO 6579-Based Method for Analysing Animal Feed for the Presence of Salmonella enterica. Food Analytical Methods, 9:2979-2985.

Ntafis V., Papanastassopoulou M., Xylouri E., (2013). Canine coronavirus. Not an “innocuous” virus. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 64(1): 57-68.

Ntafis V., Mari V., Decaro N., Papanastassopoulou M., Pardali D., Rallis T.S., Kanellos T., Buonavoglia C., Xylouri E., (2013). Canine coronavirus, Greece. Molecular analysis and genetic diversity characterization. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 16: 129-136.

Decaro N., Cordonnier N., Demeter Z., Egberink H., Elia G., Grellet A., Le Poder S., Mari V., Martella V., Ntafis V., von Reiuzenstein M., Rottier P.J., Rusvai M., Shields S., Xylouri E., Xu Z., Buonavoglia C., (2013). European surveillance for pantropic canine coronavirus. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 51(1): 83-8.

Ntafis V., Xylouri E., Mari V., Papanastassopoulou M., Papaioannou N., Thomas A., Buonavoglia C., Decaro N. (2012). Molecular Characterization of a Canine Coronavirus NA/09 Strain Detected in a Dog’s Organs. Archives of Virology, 157:171-175.

Bountouri M., Ntafis V., Fragkiadaki E., Kanellos T., Xylouri E., (2012). Phylogenetic analysis of the five internal genes and evolutionary pathways of the Greek H3N8 equine influenza virus. Natural Science, 4(11): 839-847.

Ntafis V., Mari V., Decaro N., Papanastassopoulou M., Papaioannou N., Mpatziou R., Buonavoglia C., Xylouri E. (2011). Isolation, tissue distribution and molecular characterization of two recombinant canine coronavirus strains. Veterinary Microbiology, 151: 238-244.

Bountouri M., Fragkiadaki E., Ntafis V., Kanellos T., Xylouri E. (2011). Phylogenetic and molecular characterization of equine H3N8 influenza viruses from Greece (2003 and 2007): evidence for reassortment between evolutionary lineages. Virology Journal, 8:350.

Βοuntouri M., Fragkiadaki E., Ntafis V., Xylouri E. (2011). Equine Influenza. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 62(2): 161-171. Ntafis V., Xylouri E., Radogna A., Buonavoglia C., Martella V. (2010). An outbreak of canine norovirus infection in young dogs. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 48: 2605-2608.

Ntafis V., Fragkiadaki E., Xylouri E., Omirou A., Lavazza A., Martella V. (2010). Rotavirus-associated diarrhoea in foals in Greece. Veterinary Microbiology, 144: 461-465.

Ntafis V., Xylouri E., Kalli I., Desario C., Mari V., Decaro N., Buonavoglia C. (2010). Characterization of canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) variants circulating in Greece. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 22: 737-740.

Ntafis V., Mari V., Danika S., Fragkiadaki E., Buonavoglia C. (2010). An outbreak of Canine coronavirus in puppies in a Greek kennel. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 22:320-323.

Voulodimos A., Patrikakis C., Sideridis A., Ntafis V., Xylouri E. (2010). A complete farm management system based on animal identification using RFID technology. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 70: 380-388.

Ntafis V., Xylouri E., Diakou A., Sotirakoglou K., Kritikos I., Georgakilas E., Menegatos I. (2007). Serological survey of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii in organic sheep and goat farms in Greece. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 58(1): 22-23.