- Agency:
- European Research Council
- Grant ID:
- ERC-2021-AdG-101055093
- Duration:
- 2022-2027
- Type:
- Advanced Grant
- Title:
- Contextual specification of fibroblast-driven causalities in chronic intestinal inflammation and fibrosis (BecomingCausal)
- Budget:
- 2,411,000.00 €
- PI:
- George Kollias

- Agency:
- Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (HFRI) ELIDEK
- Grant ID:
- 3780
- Duration:
- 2021-2024
- Type:
- 1st Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to Support Faculty Members & Researchers and Procure High-Value Research Equipment
- Title:
- Understanding the heterogeneity of the tumor microenvironment at the single cell level/ SingleOut
- Budget:
- 1,440,000.00 €
- PI:
- George Kollias

- Agency:
- NSRF 2014-2020, European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK)”
- Grant ID:
- MIS 5067529 / Τ2ΕΔΚ-01076
- Duration:
- 2020-2023
- Type:
- Title:
- Development of small molecule inhibitors for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, targeting the activation of pathogenic fibroblasts- DrugARΤ
- Budget:
- 996.550,30€ (Total) / 672.300,07€ 98 (Fleming)
- PI:
- George Kollias
- URL:
- https://bsrcfleming.wixsite.com/drugart

- Agency:
- European Commission - Horizon 2020
- Grant ID:
- 730879
- Duration:
- 2017-2020
- Type:
- H2020-INFRADEV-2016-1
- Title:
- Towards enduring mouse resources and services advancing research into human health and disease – INFRAFRONTIER2020
- Budget:
- 107,800.00 €
- URL:
- http://www.infrafrontier.eu

- Agency:
- NSRF2014-2020, European Regional Development Fund
- Grant ID:
- 5002135
- Duration:
- 2017-2020
- Type:
- Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure
- Title:
- InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos: The Greek Research Infrastructure for Molecular and Behavioural Phenotyping of biological model organisms for chronic degenerative diseases
- Budget:
- 2,950,000.00 €
- URL:
- http://www.infrafrontier.gr

- Agency:
- Duration:
- 2016-2019
- Type:
- Donation
- Title:
- Support and Development of BSRC “Alexander Fleming”

- Agency:
- NSRF2014-2020, European Regional Development Fund
- Grant ID:
- 5002802
- Duration:
- 2017-2020
- Type:
- Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure
- Title:
- The Greek Research Infrastructure for Personalised Medicine (pMedGR)
- Budget:
- 650,000.00 €
- URL:
- https://www.precisionmedicine.gr

- Agency:
- European Research Council (ERC-2013-AdG-340217)
- Duration:
- 2014-2019
- Type:
- Advanced Grant
- Title:
- Mesenchymal Cells of the Lamina Propria in Intestinal Epithelial and Immunological Homeostasis (MCs-inTEST)
- Budget:
- 2,590,000.00 €

- Agency:
- European Commission FP, Grant agreement No 312325.
- Duration:
- 2012-2015
- Type:
- Combination of Collaborative Projects and Coordination and Support Actions
- Title:
- Development of mouse mutant resources for functional analyses of human diseases - Enhancing the translation of research into innovation (INFRAFRONTIER-I3)
- URL:
- http://www.infrafrontier.eu

- Agency:
- Ministry of Development, ΟΠΣ 423575.
- Duration:
- 2012-2015
- Type:
- Infrafrontier ATTICA - Support and development of Greek partners for participation in Consortia of European Research Infrastructures in the context of ESFRI 2006
- Title:
- The Greek Research Infrastructure for phenotyping and archiving of model mammalian genomes (INFRAFRONTIER-GR)
- URL:
- https://www.infrafrontier.gr/

- Agency:
- General Secretariat for Research and Technology – ERC-06
- Duration:
- 2012-2015
- Type:
- Funding for proposals positively evaluated in the 3rd and 4th FP7 ERC Calls
- Title:
- Innate activation of the Synovial Fibroblasts and early causalities driving chronic arthritis (ΙΝΝΑΤΕ FIBROBLAST)

- Agency:
- The Danish Council for Strategic research – 11-115321
- Duration:
- 2012-2015
- Type:
- Strategic Research Project
- Title:
- Non-invasive nanoparticle delivery of nucleic acid therapeutics across biological barriers (Nanobar)

- Agency:
- European Commision HEALTH.2011.1.4-3, SADEL
- Duration:
- 2011-2016
- Type:
- FP7 SME-targeted Collaborative Project
- Title:
- Scaffolds for alternative delivery
- URL:
- http://www.sadelproject.eu

- Agency:
- Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (IMI JU)/ No.115142-2
- Grant ID:
- 115142-2
- Duration:
- 2011-2015
- Type:
- IMI Call topic: Inflammation – Translational Research and Adaptive Immunity
- Title:
- BeTheCure (BTCURE)
- Budget:
- 1,074,200.00 €
- URL:
- http://btcure.eu/

- Agency:
- General Secreteriat for Research and Technology 09ΣΥΝ-21-784
- Duration:
- 2011-2014
- Type:
- Title:
- From Targets to Leads: Innovative therapeutics for Arthritis (TheRAlead)
- URL:
- http://bsrcfleming.wix.com/theralead

- Agency:
- General Secreteriat for Research and Technology 5398/31.03.2009
- Duration:
- 2010-2011
- Type:
- Establishment of National Research Infrastructures in areas relating to the roadmap for ESFRI Infrastructures
- Title:
- The Greek Research Infrastructure for phenotyping and archiving of model mammalian genomes (INFRAFRONTIER-GR)
- URL:
- http://www.infrafrontier.eu/

- Agency:
- INFRAFRONTIER No 211404, CP-CSA_INFRA-2007-2.2.01
- Duration:
- 2008-2011
- Type:
- Combination of Collaborative Project and Coordination and Support Actions
- Title:
- The European infrastructure for phenotyping and archiving of model mammalian genomes
- URL:
- http://www.infrafrontier.eu/

- Agency:
- Duration:
- 2008-2013
- Type:
- Large scale integrating project
- Title:
- Mechanisms to Attack Steering Effectors of Rheumatoid Syndromes with Innovative Therapy Choices
- URL:
- http://www.masterswitchproject.eu/

- Agency:
- INFLACARE HEALTH-F2-2009-223151
- Duration:
- 2009-2012
- Type:
- Large scale integrating project
- Title:
- Understanding inflammation-associated tumorigenesis for the rational design of novel anti-cancer therapeutic strategies
- URL:
- http://inflacare.imbb.forth.gr/

- Agency:
- LSHG-CT-2006-037188
- Duration:
- 2007-2011
- Type:
- Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health
- Title:
- The European Mouse Disease Clinic: A distributed phenotyping resource for studying human disease (EUMODIC)
- URL:
- http://www.eumodic.org/

- Agency:
- European Commission LSHG-CT-2006-037811
- Duration:
- 2007-2009
- Type:
- Co-ordination action (7 participating labs)
- Title:
- Coordination and Sustainability of International Mouse Informatics Resources (CASIMIR)
- URL:
- http://www.casimir.org.uk/

- Agency:
- European Commission – 028190
- Duration:
- 2006-2009
- Type:
- Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area
- Title:
- TNF neutralization therapy for inflammatory diseases strategies to prevent TB reactivation (TB REACT)
- URL:
- http://www.cnrs-orleans.fr/iem/tbreact/

- Agency:
- European Commission NoE – LSHG-CT-2005-005203
- Duration:
- 2005-2009
- Type:
- Network of Excellence (24 participating labs)
- Title:
- Integrated functional genomics in mutant mouse models as tools to investigate the complexity of human immunological disease (MUGEN)
- URL:
- http://www.mugen-noe.org/

- Agency:
- European Commission – LSHB-CT-2004-005276
- Duration:
- 2005-2009
- Type:
- Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP6)
- Title:
- Right Interference Technology as Human Therapeutic Tool (RIGHT)
- URL:
- http://www.ip-right.org/

- Agency:
- Hellenic Ministry for Development – ΕΠΑΝ 340
- Duration:
- 2005-2008
- Type:
- Excellence in the Research Institutes
- Title:
- Research infrastructures of the Institute of Immunology of the BSRC Fleming

- Agency:
- Hellenic Ministry for Development – 04ΑΚΜΩΝ72
- Duration:
- 2005-2008
- Type:
- Title:
- Enhancement of services in transgenesis, on disease models and macromolecular analysis from laboratories of the BSRC Fleming

- Agency:
- Hellenic Ministry for Development GSRT-PENED-03ΕΔ770
- Duration:
- 2005-2008
- Type:
- Locan Education (PhD) grant
- Title:
- Detection and genetic modification of pathogenic intracellular signaling pathways in chronic inflammatory bowel disease

- Agency:
- European Commission – MRTN-CT-2004-005693
- Duration:
- 2004-2008
- Type:
- Marie Curie Research Training Network (10 participating labs)
- Title:
- Functional Genomic Approaches Targeting Arthritis
- URL:
- http://www.euro-ra.de/

- Agency:
- Hellenic Ministry for Development – 04ΔΙΑΜ08
- Duration:
- 2005-2007
- Type:
- Creation and Support of Technology Transfer Offices
- Title:
- Creation and Support of Technology Transfer Offices of the BSRC Fleming

- Agency:
- Hellenic Ministry for Development – 05ΕΑΘ-10
- Duration:
- 2005-2007
- Type:
- Open Gates Program
- Title:
- Sensitization of the Public to New Research Technologies