Myrto Denaxa Research Group

1. Kessaris N* and Denaxa M.* (2023) Cortical interneuron specification and diversification in the era of big data. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 80:102703 Invited review article, *co-corresponding author

2. Kounoupa Z, Tivodar S, Theodorakis K, Kyriakis D, Denaxa M, Karagogeos D. (2023) Rac1 and Rac3 GTPases and TPC2 are required for axonal outgrowth and migration of cortical interneurons. J. Cell Science 136

3. Vassilopoulos N, Kaplanian A, Vinos M, Katsaiti Y, Christodoulou R, Denaxa M, Skaliora I. (2022) The role of selective Satb1 deletion in somatostatin expressing interneurons on endogenous network activity and the transition to epilepsy. J Neurosc. Res. Dec 21

4. Asgarian Z, Oliveira MG, Stryjewska A, Maragkos I, Rubin AN, Magno L, Pachnis V, Ghorbani M, Hiebert SW, Denaxa M, Kessaris N. (2022) MTG8 interacts with LHX6 to specify cortical interneuron subtype identity. Nat. Commun. Sep5;13(1):5217

5. Kalemaki K, Velli A, Christodoulou O, Denaxa M, Karagogeos D, Sidiropoulou K. (2022) Early postnatal inhibitory circuit development in the mouse medial prefrontal and primary somatosensory cortex. Cereb. Cortex, Dec 15:bhab438

6. Christodoulou O, Maragkos I, Antonakou V, Denaxa M# (2022) The development of MGE-derived cortical interneurons: An Lhx6 tale. Int J Dev Biol. 66(1-2-3):43-49 Invited review article, #corresponding author

7. Denaxa M#, Neves G, Burrone J, Pachnis V. (2019) Transpantation of chemogenetically engineered cortical interneuron progenitors into early postnatal mouse brains. JoVE 26(150) #corresponding author

8. Denaxa M#, Neves G, Burrone J, Pachnis V. (2018) Homeostatic control of interneuron apoptosis during cortical development. J Exp Neurosc. 5(12) #corresponding author

9. Denaxa M* ^, Neves G*^, Rabinowitz A, Kemlo S, Liodis P, Burrone J*, Pachnis V*. (2018) Modulation of apoptosis controls inhibitory interneuron number in the cortex. Cell Reports 12(22) *co-corresponding authors ^ equal contribution

Before 2018

10. Liu K, Zhang S, Kim J, Kim DW, Denaxa M, Bao H, Kim E, Liu C, Pachnis V, Hattar S, Song J, Brown S, Blackshaw S. (2017) Zona incerta Lhx6-positive neurons promote sleep by local inhibition of wake-promoting hypocretin neurons. Nature 548(7669)

11. Tivodar S, Kalemaki K, Kounoupa Z, Vidaki M, Theodorakis K, Denaxa M, Kessaris N, de Curtis I, Pachnis V, Karagogeos D. (2015) Rac-GTPases Regulate Microtubule Stability and Axon Growth of Cortical GABAergic Interneurons. Cerebral Cortex 25(9)

12. Neves G, Shah MM, Liodis P, Achimastou A, Denaxa M, Roalfe G, Sesay A, Walker MC, Pachnis V. (2013) The LIM homeodomain protein Lhx6 regulates maturation of interneurons and network excitability in the mammalian cortex. Cerebral Cortex 23(8)

13. Denaxa M, Kalaitzidou M, Garefalaki A, Achimastou A, Lasrado R, Maes T, Pachnis V. (2012) Maturation-promoting activity of SATB1 in MGE-derived cortical interneurons. Cell Reports 2(5)

14. Batista-Brito R, Rossignol E, Hjerling-Leffler J, Denaxa M, Wegner M, Lefebvre V, Pachnis V, Fishell G. (2009) The cell-intrinsic requirement of Sox6 for cortical interneuron development. Neuron 63(4)

15. Denaxa M, Sharpe PT, Pachnis V. (2009) The LIM homeodomain transcription factors Lhx6 and Lhx7 are key regulators of mammalian dentition. Developmental Biology 333(2)

16. Liodis P, Denaxa M, Grigoriou M, Akufo-Addo C, Yanagawa Y, Pachnis V. (2007). Lhx6 activity is required for the normal migration and specification of cortical interneuron subtypes. Journal of Neuroscience 27(12)

17. Brogna S, Bourtzis K, Gomulski LM, Denaxa M, Babaratsas A, Gasperi G, Savakis C. (2006) Genomic organization and functional characterization of the alcohol dehydrogenase locus of Ceratitis capitata (Medfly). Insect Molecular Biology. 15(3)

18. Denaxa M^, Kyriakopoulou K^, Theodorakis K, Trichas G, Vidaki M, Takeda Y, Watanabe K, Karagogeos D. (2005) The adhesion molecule TAG-1 is required for proper migration of the superficial migratory stream in the medulla but not of cortical interneurons. Developmental Biology 288(1) ^equal contribution

19. Ekonomou A, Kazanis I, Malas S, Wood H, Alifragis P, Denaxa M, Karagogeos D, Constanti A, Lovell-Badge R, Episkopou V. (2005) Neuronal migration and ventral subtype identity in the telencephalon depend on SOX1. PLoS Biology 3(6)

20. Denaxa M, Pavlou O, Tsiotra P, Papadopoulos GC, Liapaki K, Theodorakis C, Karagogeos, D. and Papamatheakis, J. (2003) The upstream regulatory region of the cell adhesion molecule TAG-1 gene contains elements driving neural specific expression in vivo. Molecular Brain Research 118 (1-2)

21. Denaxa M, Chan C-H, Schachner M, Parnavelas JG and Karagogeos, D (2001) The adhesion molecule TAG-1 mediates the migration of cortical interneurons along the corticofugal fiber system. Development 128 (22)