Efthimios Skoulakis Research Group

Highly selected from invited presentations

Protection from premature habituation requires the mushroom bodies and is defined by 14-3-3ε mutants in Drosophila. September 2004. 1st European Science Foundation meeting on Mushroom body function. Seix France

Cell type and allele specificity in molecular, pathological and behavioral attributes of tauopathies in Drosophila. April 2006. Society for Experimental Biology meeting, Canterbury UK.
14-3-3s enhance tauopathies in Drosophila. August 2006. Biology of 14-3-3 proteins, Gordon Research Conference. Oxford UK

Interdependence of Associative and non-associative learning? November 2008, Janelia Farm Viginia USA. Learning and Memory: A Synthesis of Flies and Honeybees Conference

The Receptor RTK Alk signals through Neurfibromin and is essential for size determination and learning and memory June 2011, Janelia Farm Viginia USA. Learning and Memory: A Synthesis of Flies and Honeybees Conference

Flies smell Molecular Vibrations. Aug 2011. Quantum Effects in Biological Systems (QuEBS) Conference, Ulm Germany

Flies smell Molecular Vibrations.Plenary talk. Dec 2011 62nd National conference of the Hellenic Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Athens Greece.

The Smell of Vibrations. July 2013. 13th Quantum effects in Biological Systems (QuEBS) meeting, Vienna, Austria



Instructor, Tohoku University Sendai Japan International Εast Asian Biological Research Conference “Tauopathies in Drosophila” January 2008.

Instructor, 10th Advanced School of Neurochemistry. “Premature habituation blocks associative learning” Delphi Greece Aug 24-28 2011