Postdoctoral research at the Institute of Immunology, BSRC Fleming (Open GSRT Call) (01-09-2010)
The Institute of Immunology at BSRC Fleming is seeking highly motivated postdoctoral researchers with proven track records to jointly submit proposals under the current GSRT Call for “Support of Postdoctoral researchers”:
Expressions of interest should be sent directly to the Principal Investigator on the following topics:
• George Kollias (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.): Animal models of chronic inflammatory disorders, molecular and cellular pathways and targets, translational biomarker identification and validation, systems biology
• Vassilis Aidinis (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.): Molecular, Genetic and Computational Dissection of Pathogenetic Mechanisms in chronic inflammation and cancer
• Dimitris Kontoyiannis (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.): Post-transcriptional regulation in inflammation and cancer;disease modeling in transgenic systems; innate & adaptive immunity; intestinal and lung cancer; RNA:protein interactions; ribonucleoproteins & miRNAs; mRNA turnover and translation
• Eleni Douni (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.): Pathogenetic mechanisms in osteoimmunology and modeled osteoporosis using transgenic mice; Genetic, cellular and functional characterization of novel mitochondrial targets involved in neuroimmunological diseases
• Vassiliki Kostourou (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.): Blood vessel morphogenesis and function in development and disease, adhesion dynamics in endothelial cells, tumor angiogenesis
More information on the PI’s current research can be found at
Candidates can be of any nationality, must be holders of a PhD for no longer than 10 years at the time of application and must have completed their military service, if required. Each candidate can only participate in one application under this Call.
Candidates should email a specific cover letter (maximum 1 page long) to the PI of their interest, outlining their areas of expertise together with a detailed curriculum vitae, by September 10, 2010 the latest (preferably by August 31st to allow sufficient time for the preparation of the proposal).