This is to announce two basic research positions available in BSRC AL. FLEMING in ATHENS-GREECE funded by Marie Curie ITN programmes. There is a monthly salary of 1900+ Euros for 3 years, in addition to other benefits.
Two positions –one effective immediately- is for Early Stage Researchers*, non-Greek Citizens**, holders of a Master’s Degree who wish to be trained in Molecular Biology of Embryonic Stem Cells.
The job titles are as follow
“Characterization of Genomic Methylation Machinery in Embryonic Stem cells”.
“Defining the molecular mechanisms behind human ICF syndromes”.
Contact info: Dr. Theodora Agalioti e-mail:
*Note added: The positions can be filled also by Early Stage Researchers that would like to pursue Lab Technician careers.
**Note added: Double Citizenship holders (Greek/EU or EU/Third Country or Greek/ Third Country may also apply)